
Men's Health

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Did you know that men have a pelvic floor too?
Men often don't become aware of this until they require prostate surgery.
Both urinary incontinence & erectile dysfunction are common side effects of prostate removal.

The pelvic floor muscles support the bladder & bowel, preventing incontinence. They also play a large role in improving erectile dysfunction.

Physiotherapy is the best line of treatment for incontinence. Our experienced physiotherapists have completed advanced training to assess and treat a variety of conditions including; Stress, Urinary Incontinence, Overactive Bladder Syndrome, Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms & other conditions in both men & women.

Not everyone who experiences urinary incontinence has a 'weak' pelvic floor. Your pelvic floor muscles similar to other skeletal (involuntary) muscles in the body, they require flexibility to 'contract' when you need them (eg. when you cough or lift to prevent urine loss) & 'relax' when you don't need them (eg. to allow insertion of tampons & to empty the bladder & bowel completely).

An overactive/high tone pelvic floor can lead to urine loss as these muscles become fatigued from being 'on' or 'contracting' for prolonged periods, thus when you require them to work a bit more to combat the pressure of a cough, they can't because they're fatigued & can't generate the appropriate forces required to prevent leakage.

We can help you understand your condition & give you the power to gain control back in your life.

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