
Women's Health

Improve your knowledge & power over your own birth experience! 

Our women's health physiotherapist Jodie Slade is trained to assess your pelvic floor muscles, take measures to educate you on your perineal tear risk, teach you pelvic floor muscle training (how to contact AND relax correctly) to improve post birth outcomes (ie. shorter pushing stage) & reduce perineal trauma.

We can teach you & your birth partner perineal massage in your third trimester to prepare for birth & reduce your risk (by up to 60%) of more significant tearing at birth (3rd & 4th degree tears).

A reminder too that there is a large array of exercise options that are safe for pregnancy! Your women's health physio is well positioned to guide you through this time with appropriate modifications for you if you are experiencing any pregnancy related discomforts such as pelvic girdle pain, back pain, wrist problems etc. It's never too early or too late to start! 

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